Quality is the supreme corporate objective
In order to ensure complete customer satisfaction, the quality of our products and services must be our top priority. Reliability and durability concerning the functioning of our products takes precedence over other aspects. Ever since its founding, NEULICHT has placed great importance on meeting market requirements with regard to the quality of its services and products.
The customer is the focal point of our thoughts and actions
Economically, such quality for the customer can only be achieved if all functional divisions involved perform their responsibilities within the company in adherence with the principles that govern the best-possible and complete fulfilment of the stipulated demands and each individual autonomously contributes to ensuring quality at every stage, from the building of concepts and development, to planning, consultation, procurement and production management, to purchase, shipping, sales administration and dispatch.
Constant striving towards improvement must be an integral part of our everyday work
Consequently, it is of major importance to the executive board that our products are continually being further developed in an economic and profitable way. This is considered an essential precondition for ensuring sustainable corporate success, in order to be able to maintain and expand our position in the market.
Preventing errors instead of correcting them
The focus of our quality assurance scheme lies on error prevention. Every employee is expected to take on the full responsibility for the flawless nature of our products.
Our human capital are our employees
Our employees are one of our strong points. They determine both our reputation and performance. We therefore believe in HR development having a significant impact on securing long-term success of our company, which is why we work tirelessly to ensure that our working environment has a positive effect on our employees’ motivation, satisfaction and performance.
Suppliers are our partners
We perceive our suppliers as partners in the addressing of joint challenges.
Integrity leaves no room for compromise
Our company should be managed in a way that is characterised by social responsibility and gives it the attention it deserves for its flawlessness and positive contribution to society.